Get Organised:Sentimental Items (Declutter,Clutter-Clearing)
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We've all got sentimental items - me included. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's LOVELY to have stuff around that reminds us of happy times and people we love or loved. Our memories are precious. But...   ... what if you've got so MANY items that you don't get to APPRECIATE your memories?What if you can't find your most precious memorabilia because you're overwhelmed with sentimental items?Sentimental items are the HARDEST of all to declutter. The fear of letting go of something - and then missing it - can be paralysing. But having sentimental clutter (instead of sentimental items) keeps you stuck in the past: living with old, dead energy, instead of creating the future you want - and deserve. So I'm here to help you tackle it - gently and without regrets. Honour the past without being held back by it. Understand the natural, deep, psychological reasons why we get attached to things. Make time to declutter and learn my simple, foolproof 7-step decluttering process. Learn a TON of ways to make letting go of sentimental items easier. How to find great new homes for the stuff you're letting go - and make the MOST of the stuff you're keeping. How to stop sentimental clutter creeping back. By the end of this course, you'll be able to let go of the sentimental items that are no longer serving you - and are keeping you stuck - and really ENJOY the ones you keep, while stepping into the future you deserve. What would you LIKE to come into your life?!

