Oracle (1Z0-1105-22) Cloud Database Management Test
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Exam Covered Topics:-Data Management Introduction:- Explain Oracle's Data Management Strategy, Discuss the different Oracle database offerings and deployment options (on-premises, DBCS, ADB, Exa, 3rd party cloud), and Discuss multi-cloud and hybrid cloud options for managing data using Oracle Cloud. Oracle Cloud Free Tier Account:- Explain Oracle Cloud Free Tier Sign-up processes, Discuss the functionality of the OCI Console, and Explain the differences and uses of Free vs Always Free. Autonomous Database and Tools:- Explore Autonomous Database, the various offerings, and deployment options, Discuss ADB Instance Creation - provision, scale CPU and storage, start, stop, and clone, Describe ADB Tools and how to load data into ADB. Exadata and DBCS:- Describe the use cases and business problems Exadata solves, Explain the various Exadata deployment options (C@C, Cloud Service, etc), Discuss Lifecycle Management (patching, backup & recovery), Describe DBCS offerings and when to use one over the other. MySQL and NoSQL:- Describe MySQL Database Service, Describe NoSQL Service. Converged Database:- Describe multi-model and converged database use cases, Explain json, graph, and spatial in the Oracle Database. Resiliency:- Explain Oracle's Maximum Security Architecture, Explain Oracle's Maximum Availability Architecture. Developing on Oracle Database:- Explain the processes and concepts to Manage Autonomous Database: REST, APIs, Describe using database tools, SQL Developer, SQL Worksheet, Describe low-code APEX, Describe CI/CD SQLCl. Data Lake, Data Warehouse, and Machine Learning:- Discuss concepts and uses of OCI Analytics and AI Data Services, Discuss concepts and uses of Oracle Machine Learning, and Explain the data mesh architecture. Upgrades and Migrations:- Describe various migration strategies to the cloud, Explain Oracle's upgrade options. The exam is offered freely through the website of Oracle University

