Corporate Liability Ins.: Dealing with Fraudulent Claims
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A complete course of study providing education and training to allow the student, to learn how to deal with the fraudulent claims and why an insurer should never settle a claim that it believes is false and fraudulent. The student will review and understand the concept of never settling a claim that is fraudulent or not covered.   This fifteenth course in the series provides a representative of an insured or the representative of the insurer with sufficient knowledge to work together to make certain that fraudulent claims are not paid and that the insurer never pays a claim that is not covered by the policy. The Course covers the following: The need to defend insureds against false and fraudulent claims. The need to refuse to pay claims that are not owed - whether because the insured is not liable or the policy provides no coverage for the loss. Why settling with a fraud invites further fraudulent claims. Why paying a non-covered claim makes the wording of the policy useless. Why it is needed to fulfill the duty to defend.

