Dart Beginner to Advance course [With null safety] 2023
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I am Anmol Gupta instructor of this course welcome you to the best course on Dart Programming Language in 2023. So, Let's start with a question-Q. What is dart programming language?Dart is a programming language designed for client development, such as for the web and mobile apps. It is developed by Google and can also be used to build server and desktop applications. It is an object-oriented, class-based, garbage-collected language with C-style syntax. Dart is used by Flutter to build applications on multiple platforms. Heavily loaded definition right?Let me explain in simple words: Dart programming language is used application using flutter to build mobile applications for android, iOS, web. Don't know about Flutter? don't worry here is something for you->Flutter is a UI toolkit[SDK: Software development kit] used to build UI for mobile applications for android, iOS, web. FLUTTER + DART ==>> BEAUTIFUL, HIGH-PERFORMANCE MOBILE APPLICATION I designed this course specifically for students who wanted to learn about Dart Programming Language.  The highlighting features of this course are:1. TO-THE-POINT COMMUNICATION2. A bunch of QUIZZES3. ASSIGNMENTS. In this course, you will learn everything about dart programming language from its very basics and explore topics such as1. Operators2. Variables3. built-in types4. Functions5. Control flow statements6. Loops, and many more. System requirementsWindows, macOS, or Linux for Android app developmentmacOS for iOS app development

