PILOT Cohorts: Your Tiny Offer on Steroids
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You know how you've been planning to create a course for years. But with too many things on your plate, you can't just find the time to create the content, set up the tech and worry about all the things? You're already feeling overwhelmed before you even get started. Next thing you know, weeks, months and years have passed but that course still only exists in your mind. Imagine instead of launching a course that has a lot of moving parts, you get to test your idea first as a tiny offer that doesn't require much of your time and energy? You be able to bring your course to market faster and easier - so you'll also get more time freedom quicker! If you're okay with creating your course with ease INSTEAD of all the hassles and stress of a regular course launch. Sign up NOW! My ultimate goal is for you to walk away from this course knowing exactly what to do to create and deliver a PILOT Cohort so you can finally test your amazing course idea and put it out in the market! Know the fundamentals of creating a PILOT Cohort and the different principles that make it effective in producing student success. Discover the live training master plan that serves as your cheat sheet whenever you create or deliver a PILOT Cohort. Get access to a decision flow chart that would help you take your PILOT Cohort to the next level. PLUS, you'll get extra resources to support and guide you through the PILOT journey!

