IoT Control and Automation Serial to Browser with Arduino
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Microcontrollers stand as the silent architects of our daily routines, intricately woven into the fabric of countless products, invisibly orchestrating the dance between sensors and actuators. These miniature marvels power the Internet of Things and in any civilized society you're never more than a few feet away from one! Prepare to embark on an immersive journey delving into the creation of an interactive IoT dashboard and visualize sensor data with nothing but your serial port!. Throughout this course, you'll master HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to breathe life into animated graphs, gauges and switches, offering a window into realtime sensor data analytics and enabling remote actuator control simulated by using the onboard LED. Along the way we'll peer into the world of Fullstack IoT Development together!Our primary tool of exploration will be the Arduino Uno, renowned for its adaptability, affordability, and beginner-friendly IDE, but we won't stop there. Together we will explore the datasheet and configure low level registers and learn about interrupt driven programming!This course caters to beginners, incrementing step by step and offering comprehensive code breakdowns and a structured learning environment. Supplementary exercises beyond the curriculum will fortify your understanding of essential tools and concepts.By the culmination of this course, you'll not only comprehend the potential of merging microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, and real-time data visualization but also harness this knowledge to unlock boundless possibilities, all with your serial port. To complete this course the only hardware you'll need is a potentiometer!Embark with us on this captivating educational voyage, where discovery awaits at every turn. I eagerly await our collective exploration in the upcoming lectures!

