Agile as Mindset & Scrum as Framework-Scrum Master (PSM1)
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After completing this Agile-Scrum course, student will gain the required knowledge not only to pass the Scrum PSM1 exam but also to effectively implement the Agile mindset and philosophy in team environments, improving their work processes and adaptability. The differentiating factors of this course are as follows:1- Clear Learning Objectives: This course establishes clear learning objectives by starting with Agile as the foundation and then building upon that to explain the Scrum framework. This ensures that learners have a comprehensive understanding of both Agile and Scrum concepts.2- Engaging Content: a considerable effort has put into delivering visually appealing videos that make the learning experience interesting and engaging. By incorporating multimedia elements and interactive visuals, the course maintains the learner's attention throughout.3- Quizzes for Reinforcement: After each lecture, quizzes are provided to reinforce the concepts covered and assess the learner's understanding. These quizzes help learners evaluate their progress and identify areas that may require further review.4-Practical Terms and Useful Tools: The course goes beyond theoretical knowledge and provides practical terms and useful tools that learners can apply directly in their Agile and Scrum practices. This ensures that learners not only understand the concepts but also gain practical skills.5- Real-Life Case Studies: The inclusion of real-life case studies allows learners to explore practical applications of Agile and Scrum in various scenarios. By analyzing these examples, learners gain insights into how Agile and Scrum are implemented in real-world.6-Exam-like Assessments with Feedback: The course includes exam-like assessments that simulate real-world scenarios. These assessments provide learners with an opportunity to test their knowledge and receive feedback to identify areas of improvement. This feedback helps learners understand their strengths and weaknesses, facilitating targeted learning.

