Data Structures Algorithm DSA Python+Javascript LEETCODE
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Student Testimonials: The teacher excels in explaining complex concepts clearly. - Liam BailesThe course is a rare find for in-depth knowledge. - Mark CorriganWell-structured and thorough preparation for DSA. - Ankur SaxenaEasy to grasp concepts in a single go. - Shaik AsrarEffortless concept assimilation. - Elisha BenjaminA great foundation in DSA. - Prince Roy SharmaSimplifies understanding DSA. - RahulClarifies program complexity. - Amritesh Kumar SinghClarified Big O notation for me. - Aaron EngelmannExcellent for problem-solving and reasoning. - ParthComprehensive overview of Data Structures. - NewtonHighly recommended for Tier 1 company preparation. - Dennis PaulAbout the Course: Welcome to the Coding Interview Bootcamp with a focus on Python and JavaScript! The primary goal of this course is to prepare you for coding interviews at top tech companies. By tackling one problem at a time and understanding its solution, you'll accumulate a variety of tools and techniques for conquering any coding interview. Daily Coding Challenges: The course is structured around daily coding challenges. Consistent practice will equip you with the skills required for coding interviews and allow you to practice on Leetcode. Topics Covered: We start from the basics with Big O analysis, cover common data structures, and discuss real-life problems asked in interviews at tech giants like Google, Meta, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, and Microsoft. For each question, we will: Discuss the optimal approachExplain time and space complexityCode the solution in JavaScript (you can follow along in your preferred language)Additional Resources: The course includes downloadable resources, motivational trackers, and cheat sheets. Course Outline: Day 1: Arrays, Big O, Sorted Squared Array, Monotonic ArrayDay 2: Arrays, Rotate Array, Container with Most WaterDay 3: Hash Tables, Two Sum, Isomorphic StringsDay 4: Recursion, Fibonacci, Power SumDay 5: Recursion, Permutations, Power SetDay 6: Strings, Non-Repeating Character, PalindromeDay 7: Strings, Longest Unique Substring, Group AnagramsDay 8: Searching, Binary Search, Search in Rotated Sorted ArrayDay 9: Searching, Find First and Last Position, Search in 2D ArrayDay 10: Sorting, Bubble Sort, Insertion SortDay 11: Sorting, Selection Sort, Merge SortDay 12: Sorting, Quick Sort, Radix SortDay 13: Singly Linked Lists, Construct SLL, Delete DuplicatesDay 14: Singly Linked Lists, Reverse SLL, Cycle DetectionDay 15: Singly Linked Lists, Find Duplicate, Add 2 NumbersDay 16: Doubly Linked Lists, DLL Remove Insert, DLL Remove AllDay 17: Stacks, Construct Stack, Reverse Polish NotationDay 18: Queues, Construct Queue, Implement Queue with StackDay 19: Binary Trees, Construct BST, Traversal TechniquesDay 20: Binary Trees, Level Order Traversal, Left/Right ViewDay 21: Binary Trees, Invert Tree, Diameter of TreeDay 22: Binary Trees, Convert Sorted Array to BST, Validate BSTDay 23: Heaps, Max Heap, Min Priority QueueDay 24: Graphs, BFS, DFSDay 25: Graphs, Number of Connected Components, Topological SortWe offer a full money-back guarantee for 30 days. Enroll today! Jackson

