Certified Design Thinking Professional (CDT-Pro)
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Design thinking is both an ideology and a process, concerned with solving complex problems in a highly user-centric way. In this course , we'll give you a detailed definition of design thinking, illustrate exactly what the process involves, and underline why it matters: What is the value of design thinking, and in what contexts is it particularly useful?Design thinking is an approach used for practical and creative problem-solving. It is based heavily on the methods and processes that designers use (hence the name), but it has actually evolved from a range of different fields-including architecture, engineering and business. Design thinking can also be applied to any field; it doesn't necessarily have to be design-specific. This design thinking  course will develop your awareness on how to enhance out-of-the-box and creative thinking to find solutions to real-world problems. This design thinking covers basics and importance, empathy mapping, the five phases and four pillars of design thinking and how Agile methodology works with design thinkingCourse mainly focuses on Introduction to Design Thinking and Basic techniques of Design thinking. Following Chapters are covered 01: What is Design Thinking? 02: Design Thinking Process 03: Steps in Design Thinking 04: Empathy Mapping in Design Thinking 05: Design Thinking and AgileAlso discuss three real-world case studies that show design thinking in action.

