Building Professional Websites Locally Without Web Hosting
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The best way to build WordPress sites - In this course you will learn how you can install WordPress on your computer or locally so you can work on your website offline and it's also a little bit faster. When you're working offline you'll learn how to take that same website and upload it to your server on the internet so it'll be live on the internet. You don't need any sort of knowledge of developer MySQL stuff, you don't need to know anything about databases. Once you are happy navigating around your new tools, we'll go through the main features you will need as you create your site, including: One-click WordPress installation - Local sets up WordPress for you. One click and your site is ready to go, SSL included! Advanced development featuresLocal to Live migrationEnabling SSLroot SSH access, WP-CLI, and the ability to hot-swap PHP 5.6, PHP 7.3. Switch between NGINX and Apache  Web ServersCloud Backups - Keep your workspace clean and your site files safe with the ability to easily push and pull sites from Local to Google Drive or Dropbox. Advanced development features - Local offers root SSH access, WP-CLI, and the ability to hot-swap PHP environments for easy testing!

