Legal Document Automation using Gavel (formerly Documate)
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In this course, you will learn how to automate your legal documents using Gavel. Gavel was created by lawyers & engineers who built dream document assembly apps for legal aid organizations and self-help. We realized that non-engineers needed an easier, quicker way to do the same. Gavel turns template documents and forms into intelligent workflows, dramatically reducing the time to generate document sets and allowing you to focus on the work that matters most. Attorneys embracing document automation will enjoy tremendous benefits from their new competitive advantage. You can use Gavel with three easy steps: Add questions and label questions with variable names. The variable name identifies the question with a unique name, so you can use it to route data into your document. Upload all the documents you want to populate. (documents can be. pdf or. docx.)Run Your Interview! The McKinsey Global Institute found that 23% of a lawyer's job can be automated. Legal documents can be tedious and repetitive. However, with the right approach, you can automate the creation of legal documents. Users find up to a 90% reduction in the time it takes to draft complex documents and document sets. Get started automating your documents! *This course has been created by A2J Tech PBC (A2J). A2J has no authority to make any representation or promise in connection to Gavel*Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)

