Email Etiquette for Administrative Assistants
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Did you know that it's estimated that workers receive an average of 80 emails per day? Email is now the preferred mode of business communication, which means everyone must be able to share information quickly, clearly, and with complete accuracy.WHO THIS COURSE IS FORWelcome to the course, Email Etiquette for Administrative Assistants. While this course was designed for all types of admin, including in-office executive assistants, virtual assistants, and even personal assistants, anyone who writes daily emails as part of their job will learn from this course. This course is also perfect for all levels - from beginners - to pros who want to brush up on email correspondence skills.Given that there's an increased responsibility for administrative assistants to have great writing skills, this course covers everything from business etiquette to writing for clarity, to how to respond to confusing requests, to boundary setting.THIS COURSE INCLUDES This course is comprised of both video and text-based learning. It also includes lots of bonus material, like scripts to help you craft perfect email and tools to help you create templates for repetitive emails. It's packed with quizzes to test comprehensive and hands-on activities to help you take your email from zero to hero.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORI'm your instructor, Erin, and I've worked as an administrative assistant for over 12 years. I became a remote VA nearly a decade ago and now help other assistants run lucrative and successful assistant businesses. Thanks for joining me on this email journey. This course is going to help you be the best colleague you can be - and I'm excited to see you in the course.

