Storytelling with Data
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Data storytelling is the concept of building a compelling narrative based on complex data and analytics which help support the message of your story to influence and inform a particular audience. Data storytelling is very similar to human storytelling, but provides the added benefits of deeper insights and supporting evidence through graphs and charts. Constructing a data story that moves a person to take action can be a very powerful tool. Effective data storytelling can be a positive impact for people and your organization. Some benefits of successful data storytelling include: Adding value to your data and insights. Interpreting complex information and highlighting essential key points to the audience. Providing a human touch to your data. Offering value and potential influence for your audience and industry. Data visualization plays a significant role in determining how receptive your audience is to receiving complex information. Data visualization helps transform boundless amounts of data into something simpler and digestible. Here, you can supply the visuals needed to support your story. Effective data visualizations can help: Reveal patterns, trends, and findings from an unbiased viewpoint. Provide context, interpret results and articulate insights. Streamline data so your audience can process information. Improve audience engagement. Most of these findings and insights are more easily understood through a data dashboard. Data storytelling is changing how we consume information. Why wait, take the course now. This course is developed by Viken Behlawanian who holds a Masters degree in Business Administration(MBA) and worked several years in data analysis using Excel, PowerBI, and Alteryx, and have created hundreds of dashboards and gave thousands of presentations.

