Level up your professional brand on LinkedIn
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A crucial part of your personal branding is making sure you come across as human, with the same issues and problems as your target market. The only difference is that you can show that you have found a solution to some of these problems you are willing to share with others. Millennials, in particular, have a distrust of advertising. 84% of millennials trust neither the advertisements nor the brands that create them. Yet, they are prepared to believe people they feel they "know"! For networking, job searches, and overall career development, having a personal brand statement provides a lot of benefits. People will search for you online and check out your reputation when they are evaluating whether to hire you or partner with you. Your personal brand statement is the first thing that people will associate with you so you want to start on the right foot. A strong personal brand can open up doors to speaking engagements, job interviews, promotions, client relationships, and overall business success. Have you already put in action your TOP strengths to brand your talent? If not, then DON'T WORRY!! This course will give you a clear understanding of Building your effective Personal Brand. How I define it: My personal brand is the values, the skillset, and the latent talents that will take me to the heights of success. Why do I have to hide those when I am on LinkedIn and other social media where I am desperately looking for a job ?? Is it wise to do that?Absolutely NOT!! Note: This course has been framed based on the best industry practices as published by Forbes and SHRM. For any excerpts taken as it is from online resources, references have been provided in the documents. About me: Founder MyPursuitPath dot com HR Consultant Certified Career Consultant  CBT Life Coach  11K Plus followers on LinkedIn Career Mobility Consultant & ATS Resume Writer @ Randstad RiseSmart To date, I've created, scaled, and optimized 600+ professional portfolios (LinkedIn, CV) that matter.  I connect and steer you in the right career direction! This all starts with an understanding dialogue. Let's find it together and uncover your values, aspirations, and next career move. Since 2014, I'm on LinkedIn but never fully optimized it, until 2019. Within a year, I did 30 plus LIVE SESSIONS  (LinkedIn & YouTube) with industry experts. I started with my own online Career Coaching platform, my brainchild MyPursuitPath dot com where I counsel professionals from all management levels. Within a year I took my followership from literally 5 to over 11K followers. STAY TUNED: I am about to launch several other courses on UDEMY featuring LinkedIn Optimization, ATS Resumes, and Personal Development.

