Transformational Breathing Techniques Pranayama Breath Work
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Included in this course is access to my recently published eBook on Amazon Kindle 'Breathe Into Life.'  This book greatly complements the course and is a gift I would like to share with you. In the short time we have together on this course we will journey through mind body coherence exercises which will lead us into highly structured breathing techniques. From this place of present moment awareness and with a focused mind we will move into a state of mindfulness. I will also introduce you to the science in support of the breathing techniques so that you may understand, acknowledge and surrender into your practice more readily. By the end of this course you will have the tools and techniques to take your awareness away from external distractions, move within, reconnect with the greatest teacher in your life which is your own inner wisdom and respond to whatever challenge life presents to you; from a higher state of consciousness. In my own experience, working with the breath has been profound and the opportunity to teach this gift to others is a blessing. The unique thing is, you can incorporate these breathing techniques into your yoga practice, meditation, whilst you're sitting in a meeting, stuck in a traffic jam, when you're facing a problem that overwhelms you or simply during a period of quiet time. When I sit down to meditate, I start with my breathing routine; I'm going home. I leave the challenges of my waking life and I access the calm and the serenity deep inside of me. And it's from this place I find my answers. I find guidance. Breath is my teacher and the portal into my very own inner wisdom.  Marie

