Chapter Two of Chinese Tea Art Micro-course: Green Tea 绿茶篇
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Whenever I tell people I am a tea teacher, coaching people with tea life, they would think about tea ceremony, tea art something like that. Yes, indeed, tea ceremony or tea art is definitely the destination we would get there, it's more about the spiritual activity. However, before we get there, we need to know more about the foundation knowledge.每当我们告诉大家我是一位是茶师,茶导师,人们常常联想到茶艺茶道等。是的,茶艺茶道是茶人的终极目标,一种更高层次的精神上的追求活动。但是,只有当我们掌握了基本的专业知识,才能真正的享受精神生活。Imagine we are going to appreciate a masterpiece of Picasso, will you really understand it without knowing his background, the painting's stories?想象一下,如果我们去看毕加索的作品,如果我们对其背景和作品故事一无所知,我们真的能欣赏他的大作吗?We will get there, to really appreciate the art of tea, but this is the basically systematical tea course that you should take until you really understand the tea ceremony well.当然了,经过不断的练习,我们相信,我们终将到达金字塔的顶尖。那么,这个课程就是你要学习茶艺茶道的第一步。For studying conveniently and flexibly, we are going to update the Chinese Tea Art Micro-course one chapter by chapter, so you can choose the one you like the one you are interested in.为了便于更方便和灵活的学习,我们将《中国茶艺微课》分阶段学习,大家可根据您的兴趣单章选择,也可以选择全套学习。                     Chapter Two: Green Tea 绿茶篇 Green tea the majority of tea produced and consumed in China. It is the first type of tea invented in history. There almost only steamed green tea existed until the Ming dynasty,when there finalized all processing steps like pan-fried, steamed, baked, sun-dried. Do you know what are the differences? Do you know any famous green tea? And how to brew green tea properly? We are going to figure out all in chapter two: green tea.绿茶是中国生产量最大,消费最多的一类茶。绿茶是历史上最早发明的茶类。但直到明朝,几乎只有蒸青绿茶存在,也是在明代,绿茶工艺得以完善改进,比如炒青、蒸青、烘青、晒青等。那它们的区别是什么呢?你又了解哪些名优绿茶呢?你知道如何冲泡吗?所有的这些答案,我们都将从第二章绿茶篇中学习到。Lesson 7 The Origin of Green Tea 绿茶的起源Lesson 8 The Processing of Green tea 绿茶的工艺Lesson 9 Fixation 杀青Lesson 10 The Major Kinds of Green Tea 四大绿茶工艺解析Lesson 11 Tasting & Evaluation of Green Tea 绿茶的审评与品鉴Lesson 12 The Brewing Methods of Green Tea 绿茶的冲泡方式Lesson 12.1 Green Tea Ceremony 绿茶茶艺Lesson 12.2 Tips of Brewing Skill 绿茶冲泡 解析Lesson 13 Medical Function of Green Tea 绿茶的保健功效Statement: All the contents are reserved at DiscoverCha(Yunnan) Cultural Communications Studio except for the named pictures, videos, and background music. All the contents shall be only used for the study who purchase these courses and shall not be used in any commercial events or training without any authority.版权说明:本课程内容为钟梅及云南葡言茶语文化传播工作室所有(备注的图片、视频和背景音乐除外),仅用于购买《中国茶艺微课》的茶友交流和暂时学习。未经授权,禁止任何个人和机构转载、复印和培训)

