Learn from Silicon Valley: SQL
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Do you want to learn SQL but don't know where to start?Do you want to learn how to analyze complex data?Do you want to learn from a data professional from Silicon Valley?If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this course is built for you! SQL is one of the most in-demand skills and is the most popular language for data work today. It's used in almost every company - from tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Netflix to even non-tech focused companies like Bank of America or Accenture. Regardless of your career and background, learning SQL allow you to leverage the power of data to answer some of the most complex business problems. I would know, because I use SQL every day to make data-driven decisions for multi-billion dollar companies. And now, I've compiled a ton of my learnings into this very course, building practical examples that you can learn from and apply your knowledge to hit the ground running! Learn from an actual data professional from Silicon Valley and get that unfair advantage! What's included: Learn how to run an SQL query within the first 5 minutes! Pick up everything you need to know about SQL syntaxJoin the big data revolution - analyze large datasets Filter your data to get the most relevant informationUnderstand why data types are so important and how to convert themSummarize your data with aggregate functionsCombine data from multiple sources using SQL JoinsVertically append data with SQL UnionsExecute conditional and logical functions and add flow control logic to your toolkitWrite super organized code that will make you stand out with Common Table ExpressionsImpress your team with complex analysis using Window FunctionsA one-pager cheat sheet that summarizes everything you need to know about SQLGet your hands dirty with writing SQL for a mock e-commerce company! And a ton of other learnings! Level up your career! You're reading this for a reason - whether you want to add a new skill, pivot into a new role or get a pay bump. So congratulations! Most people don't have the same bravery for venturing into the unknown, and you've already taken the first step (: I've built this course to be the SQL course I wish I had when I first started - a big part of it was born from the many mistakes I made while starting out in the hyper competitive tech world in Silicon Valley. And now you will have the chance to learn from it and build up practical experience writing code all by yourself! That is pretty awesome, and I'd be guiding you every step of the way. So let's do this together - Enroll today and let's learn SQL!

