Fundamentals of Access Control
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Momentum Security Training's Fundamentals of Access Control course is designed to teach students the basics of access control. This class is for anyone who works within the access control industry and wants a better technical knowledge of access control. The course will cover what access control is and how it works. Students will learn industry-standard topology configurations, how to handle different door situations, different locking types, and cabling types and practices. The course will cover standard industry credentials, components, equipment for access control systems. Safety and code regulations are briefly covered. While not a requirement, we recommend technicians take our basic electronics and construction courses before beginning this course for a better all-around technical understanding of this material. Momentum Security Training is disrupting the status quo in the physical security industry by providing context-based education that empowers our students to deliver high-quality solutions. Legacy training has been either manufacturer taught, or peer taught each of which has its own limitations. Today, security training consists of teaching someone how to do something, we are empowering our students to learn WHY it works so that no matter the situation or product there is a deeper understanding of the technology and the theory behind it. Chris Wilson: A security professional with over 20 years experience in the US security market, from mid-market through enterprise. Experience ranges from senior technician, project manager, and system design engineer/solutions architect. I am an active CSPM (Certified Security Project Manager) and industry expert for system design and best practices/techniques.

