Business Etiquette for Professionals
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Do you want to be the person at your company whom everyone trusts and is eager to work with? Do you want to be valued for presenting yourself and your company well? The Emily Post Institute's Business Etiquette for Professionals program will help you do just that. This program is designed to help you build better, stronger relationships in your business life. This condensed version of our popular in-person Business Etiquette Seminars is presented by seminar creator Peter Post, author of The Etiquette Advantage in Business, 3rd edition, and The New York Times bestseller Essential Manners for Men. Drawing on his expertise and experience as both a business owner and a business etiquette expert and seasoned presenter, Peter guides you through essential business etiquette and manners concepts, and tools that can help you advance your business relationships and your career. In this 12-lesson course, Peter explains how etiquette and manners are fundamental to building better relationships in the workplace and how they relate to the larger world of business. You'll discover the most common business manners mistakes and how to avoid them, in addition to the most requested content from the Emily Post Institute's Business Etiquette Seminars. Each lesson is illustrated with dynamic text and images, as well as sample problems and examples that speak with style and humor to the core concepts of etiquette. The Emily Post Institute's E-Learning programs are a whole new way to bring the confidence, authority, and credibility of Emily Post etiquette to both your personal brand and your company's brand.

