Learn Markdown From Scratch
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Learn Markdown from scratch covers the basic syntax from John Gruber as well as covering many of the extended syntax offered by other Markdown processors. Students will have the opportunity to practice what they are learning, within the online Dillinger Markdown Editor. They will also learn of other editors and other uses for Markdown. Many people make use of Markdown when writing README documents or other documentation as well as Reddit makes use of it when writing posts on their website. Students will be exposed to all the basic syntax and explained how to implement as well as the uses demonstrated for them to follow along. We will then move into extended syntax that has been implemented by other processors to extend their products or to make other formats available. Once students have completed the course they will have the opportunity to download a Markdown Cheat Sheet to have for future reference while using Markdown in their documents. Basic Syntax covered include:· Headings· Paragraphs· Line Breaks· Code Blocks· Code Spans· Blockquotes· Lists Ordered and Unordered· LinksExtended Syntax covered include:· Tables· Fenced Code Blocks· Footnotes· Heading IDs· Definition Lists· Task ListsThis knowledge will make using Markdown easier so that working with it as a programmer or technical writer your documents will be available without being in a proprietary format.

