Complete Mendeley Course in 30 Minutes!
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First off let's start with answering these questions; What is Mendeley? and Where can I use Mendeley?. After you read the course description, you will know that you've come to the right place and how easy your academic life can be. Now you won't have to worry about citing sources or creating bibliographies. Mendeley is the network that helps you organize, read, note and reference publishings. Additionally, it connects you to researchers in similar fields and help you work together. When writing an article, you'd have to list your referenced sources one by one, right? Mendeley will take that off your hands and do it automatically. Creating a bibliography is now child's play as Menedeley does that for you as well. You can create a library and have users visit your library.  Additionally you can read your documents from your smartphone or tablet. Because your researches and articles will have been organized. And so, the goal I wanted to achieve while creating this course is to have you use this highly functional and free network actively and effectively while achieving maximum productivity.  Whether it's a homework or a research project with lots of people from different branches requiring organized efforts, Mendeley will be there to help you. It is also a great PDF reader that will maximize your work efficiency. With short videos you will learn the features of this program quickly and easily. If you have any questions about it or if you find anything lacking you'd like to learn about, please do not hesitate to contact me. Since you've visited this course, this means you have a need for a course like this. And rest assured, you're at the right place. By the time this course is over, you will have learned everything this app has to offer. While doing a research, you can save a lot of precious time using Mendeley and by the time you're done with this course you will thank yourself. I wish you the best!!

