Ayurveda basics for All.
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Hello my dear Students, Ayurveda basics for All - This course is a basic course to gather the knowledge of Ayurveda. The most important concepts of Ayurveda are the Tri doshas and knowing the individual Prakriti. These are very important concepts knowing which one can know our Pre dominant Dosha and can work accordingly to maintain its balance. Knowing this unique code helps us to be healthy and maintain our health. This is a tool that everyone should know. Once we know the basics then we will be encouraged to read the authentic Ayurveda text in detail. Eg: When we first go to an ice cream shop we taste as many ice creams possible to know which flavor we like the best.  Once we are sure we ask for double scoops of it, isn't it? This course too gives you a flavor of this voluminous text so that you develop  love for it and explore it in detail in future. In this course you will learn the following: Our self natureTri doshasTri gunasAyurveda principles7 types of PrakritiHumorsPhysical and mental aspects of the Tri DoshasCauses of illness and diagnosis methodSattvik, Rajasik and Tamasik dietYoga and Ayurveda comparison. Tri doshas and seasons. The whole idea about this course is to give you a complete perspective on the outline of the Ayurveda's original text. This course will help you develop love towards the scripture and then you can take up extensive study of the same to reach to the goal of Ayurveda. Happy learning.

