Develop an Ecommerce website with Laravel
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Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. Laravel has made web programming soo much easier that you do not have to start writing long codes for your website. Once you are acquainted with the documentation, it makes life soo much easy. This is wat we strive to achieve in this course. Developing our ecommerce website in an effective yet easy way. This course , with the use of Laravel, will enable you to develop a user friendly project. Our  project will be a simple e-Commerce website. In The this course functions such as these will be handled: Admin and user login and register system: This will enable admin or users to make changes related to their roles. For example, the admin can add, delete and update logged in or registered users, add or  modify product or services and so on. On the other hand, the user can make changes such as updating his or her account, make orders for a product and so on. Importing user and admin templateData products upload from the admin panel and display on the project page. Database storage and query: This means storing data in our database and retrieving the data when necessary. checkout and order details. One payment and delivery methods. This is a basic course to learn how to create an ecommerce website in just few hours.

