Study material for Certified Smart Contract Developer (CSCD)
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About Certification ** This is a supporting training material for the Certified Smart Contract Developer CSCD by Blockchain Council. This is the training material only. Certification is not the part of this training on Udemy. **  Have you heard of Ethereum & Smart Contracts? Have you ever thought of writing smart contracts or your cryptocurrencies? Do you know smart contracts are written in Solidity Programming Language? Solidity is a programming language for writing smart contracts which run on Ethereum Virtual Machine on Blockchain. It is a contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and it is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine. In this course, we will teach you everything related to Smart contracts, how to build one based on Blockchain application on Ethereum. We will learn what: What is Ethereum, Smart Contracts & Blockchain? What is Solidity & Ethereum Virtual Machine? How to install & Setup Solidity Development Environment? How to write first basic smart contracts? Data types, control structure, functions, inheritance, mathematical operations, etc. How to deploy & test smart contracts in Solidity? Building Five Applications ERC20 Token Development Decentralised Investigation Report Filing System A ToDo Smart Contract A Smart Contract for buying and selling of Smart Contracts  Voting Ballot on Blockchain This course will enable you to build any Blockchain application on Ethereum using Solidity as Smart Contracts which is the most common language for writing Ethereum Blockchain.

