Twilio Video - Create Zoom Clone Video Conference App


Create an amazing video conference application. We will start with quick theory introduction and we will jump straight to creating app. Basic knowledge of JavaScript and React is required.To establish connection with other users and exchange with them media, we will use Twilio Programmable Video. That solution is based on WebRTC and media servers. For creating client side UI we will go for React which is most popular library to creating front-end in JavaScript. Also we will connect with serverless functions which we will host on Twilio Platform. Our created rooms will be able to handle even 50 participants connected to the same room.In our app we will add functionalities:Connect to existing roomCreate new roomMute / Unmute Start / Stop VideoScreen SharingExchanging messages using data tracksMore about Twilio:Twilio is a communications platform that allows software engineers to build Voice, Video and SMS capabilities into applications. Twilio does this by providing APIs that let you send and receive text messages, phone calls and establish video calls; and build more advanced systems like redirecting phone calls during certain hours.Twilio can be used when you have any of the following needs:to create video chat applications on web and mobile devicesTo integrate voice or text message capabilities into your software.To build a call center, with menu systems, queuing, hours of operation etc.To create a cheap burner phone number.To provide separate phone numbers that redirect to a single phone number (to provide country/region specific local numbers or to track different marketing campaigns etc.)To build text message chat bots or customer service systems.To integrate voice communications with 3rd party tools.



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