morrocan dialect darija


After taking this course, you won't need a guide anymore. I decided to make a series of videos on how to learn Moroccan Arabic (darija) after meeting many tourists who occasionally have trouble interacting with Moroccans. I'll be teaching you Moroccan Arabic (darija) step-by-step in my course, and I'll also be sharing the most frequently used phrases among Moroccans. I demonstrate how to count and understand numbers, as well as how to tell the time in Arabic darija. I also demonstrate how to welcome people, state your name and ask for their names, as well as how to inquire about their age and phone number.Although Moroccans are multilingual, Darija, an Arabic dialect, is the national tongue. It is a synthesis of numerous different languages, similar to West African (predominantly Arabic, French, Spanish and Berber).The majority of Arabic speakers outside of Algeria and Tunisia can't even understand Moroccan due to the complexity of the linguistic mix! I would not advise learning Darija if you intend to use Arabic outside of these three nations. However, if you love Morocco, have in-laws who are Moroccan, or just want a challenge, by all means, give Darija a sho.The Arabic spoken in Morocco is referred to as Moroccan Arabic or Darija. It resembles dialects spoken in Algeria, Mauritania, and Tunisia the most, but it differs significantly from dialects spoken in nations further east, such Egypt, Lebanon, and the Gulf states.Darija has a variety of influences because Morocco has been governed by numerous different governments and empires over the years, notably the French and Spanish colonization in the twentieth century. Darija has Arabic as its primary language, but it also has native "Berber" languages including Amazigh, French, and Spanish. simple words like "thank you," "hi," and "how are you?" are identical to their Arabic roots. However, the word for cheese in Darija is fromage, which sounds French. Wheel is also known as in Darija as

