Newsletter Integration with Laravel
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Hello! Thank you for visiting our course page. I'm Mark and I will be your instructor. In this course I will teach you how to integrate popular newsletter services like MailChimp, Sendy, ConvertKit, SendinBlue and Getresponse into a simple Laravel application. Watch the FREE video lectures to see how the course is structured and delivered! During the course we will use the Laravel framework for the project, but the integrations can be easily adapted to any frameworks or projects since we are not using any Laravel packages, the integrations will not be specific to Laravel. We will only use the official SDKs provided by the specific newsletter service provider and build upon them. In order to make the best of this course it is important that you have at least an intermediate knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, AJAX and MVC concept! If you are a beginner developer you might want to take a look at these technologies first, otherwise you will have hard time following the lectures. I have created a simple test project where we will have a simple newsletter subscription form and a simple user authentication with login and register functionalities. The course will include the following topics:- Integrating Mailchimp- Integrating Sendy- Integrating ConvertKit- Integrating SendinBlue- Integrating Getresponse- Admin settings for each provider- Adding subscription functionalities to registration form- Subscribing users automatically upon registrationWe will not spend time coding/typing from scratch. We will provide the full source code, we will set up the entire project together and I will explain each line of code step by step. This course contains all the necessary information that you need to integrate the above mentioned newsletter services so you won't have to spend hours reading/searching documentations or waiting hours/days on customer support. We got you covered! Still not sure? Check out our free video previews now!

