Optimize LinkedIn profile and land your dream job
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The primary reason LinkedIn users are active on the platform is for job recruitment efforts. With over 55 million companies listed on the site and 14 million open jobs, it's no surprise to find out that around 87% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn. In fact, a study found that 122 million people received an interview through LinkedIn with 35.5 million having been hired by a person they connected with on the site. So it's unsurprising that 3 people are hired through LinkedIn every minute. (Kinsta)LinkedIn saw a 6x increase in the number of remote job postings added in the U. S. from March to December 2020, with over 300k remote positions. One good LinkedIn stat for recruiters is that employees sourced through the site are 40% less likely to leave the company within the first 6 months. (Interesting right!!)From the generating leads point of view, LinkedIn has been hailed as a blessing for many first-time entrepreneurs. LinkedIn is a premier source for discovering leads. This platform is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook and Twitter (Hubspot).79% of marketers see LinkedIn as a very good source of leads, with 43% of marketers saying they have sourced at least one customer from LinkedIn. That number increases for B2B marketers, who report that 80% of their social media leads come from LinkedIn, with 40% seeing LinkedIn as their most effective channel for driving high-quality leads. (Kinsta)Because of LinkedIn's incredible ability to recognize boolean operators and filter results according to skills, company, years of experience, job titles, and seniority level, the platform easily supersedes its competitors in helping expand their business network and hence, the value exchange. Let's dive in and understand the depths of LinkedIn profile optimization. I'm teaching you the practical reality which gave a boost to my professional brand and hence accelerated the demand for my offered consultancy services. I had a latent talent but never knew how to portray it well on LinkedIn. When I did, I flew to new heights. And so I want that for you! Are you ready???You will be able to learn the following: -Creating optimized headlines  -Easy job applications-Profiling'About' section-Keyword optimization as per the target job role-Making LinkedIn Covers-Guidelines on how to search recruiters in a targeted locality -Settings update to appear more in recruiters' search results-SSI index understanding,-Getting personalized score on how you stand out in your industry-URL customization and much more... NOTE: The content in this course is based on the information taken from top research forums such as MUSE, HUBSPOT, and KINSTA. DELIGHT: You will have access to my e-guide on LinkedIn profile optimization that I only provide to my paid clients in a one-on-one session for 109 USD. You don't need to pay for that to access it. Upon course completion, you will be provided with a udemy certificate along with an accomplishment certification from MyPursuitPath. You just need to inform me on zoyausman@mypursuitpath. com regarding your interest in the certificate.

