Advanced Belly Dance choreography "Don't Make Me Blush"
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"Don't Make Me Blush" is a party-style bellydance choreography - perfect for you to perform at a festive event or at a commercial venue, such as a nightclub stage or dance floor."We will layer classic bellydance hipwork, accents and torso articulations on fast-tempo footwork. If combining sharp hipwork with fast footwork, or dancing in releve are skill areas where you would like to grow - practicing this dance will get you there.The moves in our dance are playful, vibrant, flirtatious, and very feminine. I make sure that most combinations give you an opportunity to perfect each step sequence on both sides or in both directions, and we also have a few moments of evocative body language and poses that will invite your audience to enter your world and connect with you on an emotional level.I hope you have fun practicing this dance, playing with it and performing it!"The choreography consists of 11 combinations taught step-by-step with practice segment of each combination following its breakdown. There is also a separate Practice segment (video 'from the back') to follow neon in a daily practice of the choreography. The breakdown assumes that you are an intermediate-to-advanced dancer. The course also includes the video of the choreography performance - Neon solo, and Neon with her friends/students.

