Learn Metasploit Framework 5.0 with Rahul Tyagi
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This course focuses on explaining in-depth how the Metasploit framework works. The Metasploit framework is a very powerful tool that can be used by ethical hackers to probe systematic vulnerabilities on networks and servers. Students will first learn the basics about this tool and then start deep-diving into each module of Metasploit. This will help to set the foundation for advanced concepts that will be used later in the course. Knowing about networking basics is enough for this course. Also, you should have basic knowledge of Linux command as this course uses simple Linux commands throughout the lessons. You will learn how to scan a network and find vulnerable systems on it. Further, you will learn how to scan a vulnerable system to find protocols and services that can be exploited. The fun starts from exploitation where you will learn how to find public exploits and use them to gain root access to a target system on the network while learning how to create different payloads that will help us gain that access. This course is helpful for all the students stepping into the cyber security domain. Also, this course will build the base for the students preparing to get into VAPT careers or preparing for the OSCP exam.

