PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Practice
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This practice course including all the simulation test for PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst exam. It will really help you to pass the exam and earn the certificate which can be posted on Linkedin profile and help you to find a job that requires it. PL-300 certificate is a popular certificate of Power BI that more and more companies prefer. The passed score is 700 out of 1000. Question types of the exam are multiple choice, drag-and-drop and drop down list. The practice cover all the sections that the exam requires including prepare the data (15%-20%), model the data (30%-35%), visualize and analyze the data (30%-35%), deploy and maintain assets (10%-15%) and case study questions. Go through the practice, you will see the final answer and some explanation. This can help you know which part or section you need more time to improve. It will be easy to pass once you practice all the test at this course and learn the explanation along with. It is not require you have any experience on Power BI. Knowledge of Excel will be helpful but not required either. While you earn the certificate, you have learned the basic knowledge and concept about Power BI and can get ready for real hands-on practice for the software.

