Professional Business English and Technical Report Writing
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Arabic-Enabled CourseThis is a one integrated course of both Business Management English and Technical Writing. This course tackles all needed skills for managerial communication and technical writing, especially for non-native speakers of English; I mean by that people whose mother tongue is not English, and therefore might find difficulty in using English as a medium of communication in their careers and life in general. This course ensures that you are adequately provided with all the competencies to communicate and write skillfully, professionally and prudently.     In this course, what has been accomplished is the restructuring and the selection of the only needed grammatical concepts which will facilitate the processes of communication and technical writing without obstructing your fluency and accuracy. You will be provided with all that you need to write effectively, and you will be assisted on how to utilize what will be presented to you to express yourself positively. The course will present you with all that you need to form sentences in any technical documents and communication encounters which are fault free

