Six Star Service: How to Get Maximum Tips with Rideshare
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*Note: This course is part of the more conclusive course, Elite Rideshare 101: Steps to become a top 1% earner. Recently I met with an Uber employee and they told me that the average rating for a driver in Minnesota is a 4.6, which is the bare minimum not to be deactivated.   When it comes to ratings, I would bet that most cities are similar to mine. This is a bad thing for the industry as a whole, but a good thing for your personal profits. I've heard people argue that we're not competing with other drivers. I would disagree. If you have a passenger who has ridden before, they will compare you to them. So in a way, you are competing. This is where excellent service is such a crucial factor. Most drivers are not great. In fact, most quit or are deactivated in the first few months. And the ones that stick around often give a mediocre effort. Overview That is why this section is called Six Star Service: How to get massive tips. We want to be so good that passengers feel like they got way more than they paid for. We want them to wish there was a six star option. We want to create a new bar of expectations for them. After they ride with you, they would be ruined. All other drivers would feel mediocre after riding with you. I want us to be so good, that passengers would not only feel compelled to tip, but be happy to! Introducing Your Instructor Hi there! I'm Sam Choi and I hope to be your instructor. For anything I'm passionate about, I strive to hack it. How can I get the most out of it? Is there a better way to do this? So ever since I started Rideshare, I've been driven to master every aspect of the job. I've interviewed numerous drivers, taken courses, read everything I could find on the web, and aggressively analyzed every shift I drove. As a result, I've been blessed to consistently maintain nearly perfect Five Star ratings on both Lyft and Uber and have been featured on the Rideshare Guy Podcast. Guarantee I want to teach you everything I've learned about how to create the best passenger service possible. I guarantee if you implement my tips that your tips will grow. If not, you can get your money back! My goal is to help you get so good passengers can't wait to tip you! So sign up now and increase your service and your tips!  *This course is just one segment of the larger Elite Rideshare 101 master course.

