EssentialSQL: Database Normalization Simplified
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This course is perfect if you're running low on time, and need to cram for a test or certification. Its singular purpose is to teach you database normalization and good database design habits. I'll use simple to understand English so that you can understand the concepts and get to know the important points. In this Course you will Learn to:· Appreciate and design around data modification anomalies.· Identify a properly formed database table.· Answer common interview questions related to normalization· Spot a poorly designed table.· Communicate with others about table design.· Finally understand those confounding normalization rules! Nothing is worse than· Being excited to learn something new but not knowing where to start.· Wasting time learning the wrong features.· Being overwhelmed with options and not know which to use. Imagine Having...· Knowledge - Knowing how to quickly understand table relationships to take your SQL to the next level.· Confidence - Feeling good that you're on the right track.· Accomplishment - Having a sense of accomplishment that you've learned something most cannot.· Fun - Having fun learning databases! By the time you've completed this course you'll have an appreciation of database normalization, overcome your fear of normal form definitions, and make sense of the most used database normal forms. So check out the course and let's get going learning one of the most important relational database design concepts.

