a2z: Azure AZ-900 Practice tests
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This practice is intended for Azure Begineer/ learners who are preparing for the AZ-900 test.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest-growing large cloud platform. Cloud computing is providing new exciting opportunities and finding well-qualified people is difficult today. The only way to prove your prowess is to get certified.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.Grab this opportunity today and take a step further in your career.Please note this test will be useful to you if you have studied well at least 2-3 times the study materials provided in the Azure site.Studying Azure online course ( which is free by the way ) is sufficient to clear the exam. Remember you need to study that course 2-3 times before you come to this test.Also note to students if you are able to get 80+ % in first test then only proceed with other tests else you are not prepared to go and study your weak points it will boost up your chance of scoring big in the next practice or in the actual exam.We tried our best to keep these tests close to actual, In actual test you will get 41-51 questions and you need to score at least 70% Please try your best to score maximum. Even Though I have kept practice test passing marks as 70 Please make sure you get 80+.Best of luck...Thanks A2Z

