OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools - Zero To Master
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'OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools - Zero To Master' course will help in understanding about Open API Specification and how to describe, document APIs using it. By the end of this course, students will understand all the below topics,1) Designing APIs with OpenAPI Specifications and Swagger Tools2) Describing, Documenting APIs details using OpenAPI Specifications3) History of OpenAPI & Swagger and relation between them4) Details about Swagger tools like Swagger Editor, Swagger UI, Swagger Inspector, Swagger Hub, Swagger Codegen etc.5) How to get started with OpenAPI in code first & Design first scenarios6) How to write a valid OpenAPI document using YAML syntax7) Writing re-usable content inside Open API specification with components8) Data types supported by Open API specification & their details9) Inheritance & polymorphism inside OpenAPI with keywords oneOf, anyOf, allOf and not10 ) How to describe APIs security inside Open API specification11) How to mock APIs with Open API specification & Prism mock server12) How to generate client code & server stubs using OpenAPI for various popular programming languages & frameworks13) Deploying & Hosting Open API specification inside a GitHub page along with Swagger UI14) Providing examples data for the APIs inside Open API specification15) Advantages of using Open API specification 16) Providing better documentation using CommonMark syntax inside Open API specification

