Executive Briefing: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
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Natural Language Processing is an extremely powerful exponential technology and branch of Artificial Intelligence which is used in applications ranging from Virtual Personal Assistants and Automatic Translations to Legal Document Reviews and Chatbots which save companies millions of dollars. In this short, Executive Briefing course, you will get a bird's eye view of the field of Natural Language Processing, understand how it works and why it's one of the most disruptive AI technologies which can put you lightyears ahead of the competition. First, we will talk about what Natural Language Processing is and why it has such a high potential to disrupt virtually any business and any industry. Then we discuss how Natural Language Processing works and we will find out about the two components of NLP: Natural Language Understanding and Natural Language GenerationThen we will dive into what possible applications of Natural Language Processing exist out there to help you come up with ideas of how this exponential technology could potentially be applied in your industry, in your business. Next, we will stop on one application specifically - and this application is Chatbots. You've probably heard of Chatbots disrupting how companies do customer service. In this tutorial you will find out what actually is happening, the future outlook and even specific types of chatbots. Finally, we will look at 10 different case studies of Natural Language Processing already being applied in different companies and industries. Here we are after the real results, the numbers - so we can get a feel for what Natural Language Processing can do for our businesses. Plus, you will get a professional PDF guide to follow along with this course - something you can download and distribute to your team. And all of that under 30 minutes! Excited? Then come on in, and let's tackle Natural Language Processing!

