IT Project Manager & Business Analyst. Technical Awareness
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Unlock the knowledge of web application development with the comprehensive online course, tailored specifically for non-technical individuals. This course is your key to understanding how web applications are created and how they operate, all explained in straightforward, jargon-free language.The curriculum is crafted to ensure you grasp complex concepts through clear, straightforward explanations and numerous practical examples. By the time you complete this course, you'll have a solid understanding of how websites work, what happens when you open a browser, how websites are generated, and how data is transferred across the internet.We will guide you through the essential components of web development, covering:Frontend Development: Learn how the visual and interactive aspects of websites are created.Backend Development: Understand the server-side processes that power web applications.CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment): Discover how modern development practices ensure reliable and efficient software delivery.GIT: Get acquainted with version control and collaboration using GIT.Architectural Approaches: Explore different methods of structuring web applications for scalability and maintainability.Cloud, VPS, and On-Premise Solutions: Compare and contrast various hosting environments.API (Application Programming Interface): Learn how different software systems communicate and interact with each other.Quality Assurance: Understand the importance of testing and ensuring the quality and reliability of web applications.By the end of this course, you'll not only understand the technical side of web applications but also gain the confidence to discuss and work on web-related projects.Join the course and feel free to leave your questions, happy to answer!

