Fusion 360 To URDF
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Overview: In this course, you will learn about urdf (unified robot description format) with help of examples and correct method to convert a fusion 360 CAD model to urdf using opensource fusion 360 plugins. You will learn to set correct assembly format to export robot model to urdf and also about some good practices like method to name model components, setting up robot axis as per ros urdf conversions. As well as you will understand the errors related to fusion2urdf plugin and their solution. This course is divided into 2 parts: Fusion 360 model to URDF:  You will learn to convert Fusion 360 model to urdf and stuff related to 3d model components, assembly joints etc. URDF ROS [Optional Parts]: These parts will be option and will be for those who fulfill the prerequisites. This part covers urdf ros related stuff. Course Flow: This course has used a practical approach of explanation. In this course will use different kind of robot model to explain the concepts. And throughout this course will use an AMR [autonomous mobile robot] and assemble it components in fusion 360 than assign mass to components and export it urdf model. In the optional part, we will build exported robot package in ros than will correct errors in urdf and visualize it in rviz. At the end will spawn the robot in gazebo simulator and will test robot motion using teleop ros package. What You Will Learn: Understanding of URDF. Understanding of assembly format in Fusion to export urdf. Creating Component from bodies such that no nested component is created. Methods to set joint alignments to zeros. Learnt about good practices to generated good urdf files. Assembly robot component without violating fusion2urdf plugin guidelines. Method to solve errors while exporting urdf. Method to assign weight and its importance in urdf inertia tag.[Optional part] build urdf ros pakages.[Optional part] correct error related to controller manager ros interface while launch gazebo.[Optional part] correcting joint motion direction errors in urdf and visualizing it in rviz.[Option part] testing robot motion in gazebo as well correcting errors in it.

