Trauma & Recovery Practitioner INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED
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INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIEDLEARN THE BLUEPRINT TO REVOVERY. Continued Education These lectures were recorded (one as a live event), to help others with traumas I see most commonly in my healing practice that have deep roots in people's quality of life. The effects of trauma are far reaching into how people live their current life. Not every lesson learned was a good one, just as every mentor was not wise. We have many scars that cause us to replay our pain over and over again, consciously and most time, unconsciously, blocking the life we really want. We have beliefs we don't even know we have, that we inherited from someone else. This is a sober look at the three top hot buttons of trauma & belief that I see damage lives the most. Each lecture has either a blueprint, recovery recipe or steps on how to remove storylines, blocks or beliefs from your life, adding new actions steps and perspectives. What is covered here are three topics: How To Believe You Are Enough: Smart Enough, Creative Enough, Rich Enough, Good Enough (With Blueprint)How To Survive Emotional Abuse & Abandonment Issues (With Recovery Recipe)How To Trust That the Universe Provides (With Action Steps)Each Lecture/Video Includes downloadable action PDFsThis course is short, sweet and taught through storytelling and sharing to make this real for all who are listening and to relate to those in pain. This is not a graph, chart and statistic course, please be aware. This is heart-to-heart connection. What to expect: Emotional Content/Direct Genuine Discussion/Authentic Speech/Solution OrientationCertificate: Email me to request your POBA Certificate. Title on Certificate will be Trauma & Recovery PractitionerYou will receive a final message on UDEMY from me when you finish your course that will have my email to email me with the class you took, your request, and the name as you want it on the certificate.

