Myco-Method Facilitator Training
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Welcome to Myco-Method! This comprehensive faith-based curriculum is designed by Shasta Winn and operated by Saba Cooperative.  As of August 1, 2023, Myco-Method has been approved by one state, Oregon, as acceptable training for applicants for facilitator licensure.  This course provides in-depth education for individuals seeking to become competent and responsible faith-based psilocybin facilitators.  As psilocybin gains recognition as a viable treatment for mental health conditions and spiritual connection, the need for properly trained and qualified facilitators is increasing. Our program aims to provide a rigorous and well-rounded training that will equip participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and ethical guidelines to facilitate faith- psilocybin sessions safely and effectively. Myco-Method's Facilitator Training Program requires a total of 160 hours of instruction, which includes in-person training, online training, and practicum study. The online training component consists of 60 hours of instruction, which provides students with flexibility in their learning and allows them to progress through the material at their own pace.  It is anticipated it will take approximately 4-6 months to complete. The online training includes articles, essays, lectures, videos, poems, demonstrations, quizzes, and writing assignments, providing a comprehensive exploration of the material.  Further, although the online course is self-paced, participants still have the opportunity to connect with instructors and others in their learning cohort, through sharing their writing assignments and providing feedback to others as they move through the course. For those looking to complete the full Facilitator Training Program, additional requirements include an in-person residency and a practicum.  The in-person training component consists of 60-hours of immersive learning experience with other experienced facilitators and students. This portion of the training includes lectures, interactive discussions, and experiential learning opportunities, allowing students to develop their skills and knowledge in a collaborative and supportive environment. The practicum component consists of an additional 40 hours of supervised learning in practicum, which allows students to deepen their understanding of the material and apply their knowledge in practical ways. Students will have access to resources and support to facilitate their learning and ensure they are meeting the requirements of the program. Through this comprehensive and rigorous training program, students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to become competent and compassionate psilocybin session facilitators.

