Wing Chun Kuen Phai: Mastering Unique Forms
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This course is focused on the Vietnamese Wing Chun Kuen Phai martial art, as demonstrated by Grandmaster Igor Astashev. Students will have the opportunity to study and learn a variety of unique forms and techniques, including weapon-based forms and wooden dummy training, as well as unarmed forms. By exploring these forms and techniques, students will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the Vietnamese Wing Chun lineage, and enhance their overall martial arts skills. Through this course, students will: Learn and master a variety of Vietnamese Wing Chun Kuen Phai forms, including Hac Hinh Thu Bo, Bat Tram Dao, Luc Diem Ban Con, Mai Hoa bo, Ngu Hinh Khi Cong, Tieu Hinh Y, Tieu Luyen Dau, and Tieu Mai Hoa. Understand the unique techniques and movements within each form, as demonstrated by Grandmaster Igor Astashev. Develop their skills in weapon-based forms, including those utilizing a pole and butterfly knives. Enhance their understanding of wooden dummy training and its applications in Wing Chun practice. Expand their overall martial arts knowledge by studying a different Wing Chun lineage and its unique characteristics. Join this course to deepen your understanding of Vietnamese Wing Chun Kuen Phai and learn directly from the teachings of Grandmaster Igor Astashev.

