Get the Offer! Storytelling for Job Interviews
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Want to be memorable?Confidently share your most meaningful stories!Every professional benefits when they can share exactly the right story to demonstrate who they are and what they're really good at.I'm Sarah Elkins, public speaking and storytelling coach, and I'll teach you how to know which story to share - and how to share it - based on your audience and the questions they're likely to have.In the course I demonstrate storytelling with simple examples for maximum effectiveness, and will guide you in collecting the stories that will make you memorable in an interview - or with any audience that can become a champion for you in your career and business.Interview questions are generally predictable, and understanding your audience and what they need to know about you makes you stand out!This course will take you through, step by step, to prepare and make the most of your time with your interviewer(s): Simple, effective research on the company and interviewer(s) Answering "tell me about yourself!" and other predictable questions Identifying the skills and character traits their likely looking for Collecting the stories that demonstrate your skills and character Story sharing to be persuasive, authentic, and purposefulReady to nail the interview? Let's get started!What you'll get:Empowering strategies for your next interviewExercises to enhance your learningPractical tips for sharing the right stories to demonstrate your skills and character

