WordPress Theme Development with Project
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Hello! Welcome to the WordPress development course. This is the most comprehensive and effective course on WordPress development around. This is the only course you'll ever need to learn WordPress development. This Course is designed for those that need to bring their skill level of WordPress Theme Development up as quickly as possible. This is going to be a fun tutorial where we inspect how to create your own WordPress Theme from scratch. In fact, we'll begin with absolutely zero files and zero lines of code. The only way to understand how WordPress Themes work, is to really jump in at a low level and do every single thing yourself. Yes, it is tempting to avoid this because you can make WordPress do everything for you without any understanding of the code that powers it. This could be PHP, JavaScript, CSS or even the basic HTML. By the end of this step by step WordPress Theme tutorial, you will understand how everything fits together and how to bend WordPress to your will with ease. How to create page templatesHow to create side barsHow to create custom fieldsHow to create widget areasHow to create a responsive drop-down-menuHow to enqueue scriptsHow to enable customizer to work with your themeHow to pull in content or images from one page to anotherHow to pull in images from your posts to your blog pageHow to change your password using phpMyAdmin to edit databaseHow to package up your theme in a zip fileHow to migrate your website

