Complete Turkish language course for foreigners level A1
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Welcome everyone to the Turkish language course for foreigners level A1, to everyone who want to start learning turkish this is where you start. level A1 is a basic level to have a fondation in turkish and it's the most understandable level to start with, this level has six chapters and every chapter is divided into three (3) sections: A, B and C. This course has so many excercices and tasks to practice on grammar and rules, although there's a section for reading, listening, speaking and writing so you can master all the four categories of the language. By the end of this course you will:- the introduction words and how to introduce yourself and start a conversation with your friend.- the alphabet of the turkish language there are 29 turkish letters. - numbers in turkish language from zero to one billion and how to spell, write them correctly.- nominal sentences for each pronoun and how to put them in words.- verbs in turkish language and how to conjugate them into the present continuous tense.- all the family membres names from your mother to your grandparent in turkish.- hours names and how to read and say clock hours in turkish and ask for time.- noun complements forms with it's two categories (specified and unspecified nouns). so what are you waiting for ?? come and get your course and start learning the lovely turkish language.

