Rapid Django Full Stack Web Development & Deployment to Prod
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Hi! I'm Besso Turmanauli, a former quant programmer, and freelance software developer, started learning basics of programming when I was in high-school. Over time I learned new skills, creating and selling my own software, as well as working for companies mainly in the financial industry. Then decided to try freelancing full time and as I was learning more and new skills, languages, and frameworks, got ranked in 0.5 percent of all Freelancers on one peopleperhour. Currently work for different international software development recruiting agencies, and publish tutorials on medium from time to time. In this course, I'd like to give you everything I know about developing a full stack mobile-friendly web application using PyCharm, Django, Bootstrap combined with Django templates, we will tap the power of amazing and free internet resources in abundance for any project requirements. Learn full stack web development using a high level python-based web framework - Django, using a model-template-views (MTV) architectural pattern, in less time than ever before. Tap the potential of Bootstrap front-end framework, ready-to-use free Bootstrap templates available online in order to develop mobile-ready web apps fast, and have a fully functional full stack website ready for publishing in hours instead of weeks or months as a result. 

