Java programming 2021: java programming crash course
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Become a java programmer and learn one of the employer's most requested skills of 2021! Become a Freelancer or a highly paid employeeThis is the most suitable course for you if you want to learn java programming and you don't know how to start. without installing any software just your computer and internet connection only make you enable to learn java programming. In this course, we will teach you almost all the basics of java. with over 3hrs lecture and with every lecture giving a practice test that will help you to practice more and get skilled. This course also includes coding exercises, quizzes  and helping articles with over 100+ exercises this will make you practically skilled. with every lecture at first, giving a common example then convert the common example into java programming and then giving the solution of the problem using java programming. This will help you to solve any problem or case study problem using a java programming language. we will start it from helping you to how to install java in your system, regardless of your operating system whether its Linux, macOS, or Windows we have covered a wide variety of topics such asJava Importance Future Scope of Java 2021Installing JavaVariablesReserved WordsDatatypesStrings FunctionsLoopsConditional StatementsSwitch StatementsClassAbstaractionPolymorphism InheritanceEncapsulationand much more

