Vowels, Consonants, Prefixes/Suffixes, Word Endings
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This course shows the learner through video and audio narration the thousands of examples of words with long and short vowels, consonants, prefixes and suffixes and the hundreds of word endings in the English language. Included with the course are three sets of 8 1/2 x 11 inch charts that can be downloaded and displayed on screen or printed and shown around a classroom. Use the Wall Charts of develop a spelling curriculum in any classroom and watch your student's test scores climb off the academic charts. What makes this course uniquely different is the high quality narration that accompanies the video whereby the student can see the word and hear the correct phonemic pronunciation. This greatly assists the student in learning how English words are pronounced - especially for the student where English is not their native language. Advanced concepts are introduced throughout the videos that will challenge any elementary grade and junior school student in more fully comprehending the art of written and spoken communication. Their vocabulary use and written sentenced construction will sky rocket and expand into language that truly conveys a new clarity of thought. Through this course the student is presented with thousands of words and narration that greatly expands their understanding of the English language.

