Sales Management for Growth Companies
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Everyone strives for great sales, but forcing sales performance with unintelligible and traditional salesforce management can be uninspiring to say the least. Sales is about adaptation and trustworthiness, and equally much about process and psychology. Professor Petri Parvinen is a worldwide expert in selling and sales management and specializes in accelerating growth. His inspiring insights, practical tips and case studies are based on three different data sources: 1. firsthand entrepreneurial experience, 2. working and coinvesting with leading private equity and venture capital companies and 3. the latest academic global sales research. On this course, Petri shares an inspiring set of lessons, practices, case studies and research result on what makes sales great - and goes beyond the obvious. The contents cover a range of contemporary selling and sales management issues such as value based selling, solution selling, innovation selling, sales technology, sales psychology, selling under different business models, multi-channel combinations and simplifying sales arguments. With the help of this course, anyone should become inspired, informed, equipped and perhaps even amused. Petri's award-winning production crew, headed by producer and director Wolf German from Paso Robles, CA, has done a fantastic job at bringing the production quality to an enjoyable level even in the eyes of the most demanding of audiences.

