設計審查及產品驗證 Design Review and Product Verification
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The basic skills to do a good job in Design Quality, lie in 「design review」and 「product verification」,whether it is fully implemented, When there is a physical sample of the design, it is necessary to carry out the verification of the test and experiment, whether it meets the original expected specification,when the development phase comes to an end,it needs to be re-examined,the output at this phase,whether it is as expected,and whether it can be used, as the input of the next phase (Input),this is the operation of design review; Therefore,「Product Verification」is a technical and executive aspect,and「design review」 is management、decision-making aspects,these 2 activities with complement each other,make up for each other,this class is aimed at these two tasks,a comprehensive introduction to how to plan and execute, This is the experience of practical class,for industry reference, the lecturer of this class has been responsible for many IBM development projects, there have been many successful consulting cases domestic,really helpful to the classmates, it is worth recommending!要做好設計品質的基本功,在於「設計審查」和「產品驗證」,其是否徹底執行,當有設計實體樣本,就必須執行測試、試驗之驗證,是否符合原期望規格,當開發階段告1個段落,需重新檢視,此階段產出(Output),是否如預期,且其可否做為,下一階段的輸入(Input),這就是設計審查工作;因此「產品驗證」是技術性、執行面,而「設計審查」是管理性、決策面,兩者有相輔相乘,互補之處,本課即針對此二項工作,如何計劃和執行有全面性介紹,這是實務性課程的經驗心得,供業界參考,本課講師曾負責許多IBM開發案,於國內已有許多成功顧問案例,對學員確有實質幫助,值得推薦!

